
Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Guiding Questions:
1. What does Gatsby tell Nick about his night when Nick shows up early in the morning?  What does Gatsby say about what happened between Tom and Daisy?

Gatsby waited till 4 o clock in the morning daisy didn't wanted to come outside and tom didn't wanted to hurt  daisy 
2. What does Nick suggest that Gatsby do?  Why does Gatsby reject Nick's suggestion?

To leave "go away now, old sport'  Gatsby reject nick suggestion because he really loved daisy 

3. What does Gatsby say about the way he and Daisy left each other the first time, when he went to war?

he figured out he better get with her before he losses her 

4. The gardener interrupts to tell Gatsby he wants to drain the pool.  Why, in the middle of all of this drama, do you think the author interrupts the tense relationship dialogue with a secondary character and mention of the pool?  Why do you think it's important that Gatsby wants to swim at least once in his own pool?

because he has never used the pool

5. Nick gets to work-- and the entire narrative shifts.  Now we're getting to the climax of the plot, and Fitzgerald goes nearly Shakespeare.  Describe the action and what it represents.

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