
Monday, December 16, 2019

When i entered English class on August 12 at first i was kinda nervous because i thought it was a mixed grade class so i enter and see some faces i have never seen before. i take a moment to look around the class trying to find for an available sit while every one chatting or on their phones in groups .Bell rings and dr. preston starts the class by explaining us how this course will run and how it will be different. After he explained some of the resources i started to imagine how chill the class will be.when we started working with journals it was a challenge to me at first, i didn't do that well with expressing myself with details nor writing more half a page. From all the confusing articles we read and poems it started to add up and it helped me get better at expressing my self and making connections. The articles helped me a lot from getting better at making connections with my thoughts.  The challenges that made me struggle the most were memorizing poetry and posting videos on the blog.  Its a challenge because i have no strategies reciting poetry's and plus i am bad at memorizing things.
I'm a different learner from August because i have learned a lot at expressing my thoughts 

Saturday, December 14, 2019

    • Exposition (describe yourself as you entered the class on August 12)
    • Inciting Incident (how you met me that first day when I described our options, asked you to decide how the course would run, and walked out of the room)
    • Rising Action (your initial experiences with the journals, blogs, memorizing poetry and posting videos, whatever else you remember as a new challenge in your learning life)
    • Climax (The point when you felt the most tension, when you wondered if you would be able to persevere-- and when you turned the corner.  Describe how you dealt with this and what you learned.)
    • Falling Action (How you built routines and/or made up and completed the work that contributed to your success)
    • Resolution (How you are different now as a learner than when you started the class in August.) 
  • Your story must include the following elements:
    • A description of you as a learner when you entered the class
    • A description of you as a learner now, and how your experiences in this course helped you change over the last four months
    • References to and/or quotes from at least three things we've read (please feel free to consult the tabs on the course blog to refresh your memory on the poems, the stories, and the essays we read together)
    • How you wrote your favorite blog post and your favorite journal entry (what was your thought process, and how did doing things differently enable you to write more effectively/successfully?)
    • Something in your experience of this course that made you smile (I like Alfred Mercier's idea that, "What we learn with pleasure we never forget," and I have to read a lot of these on Monday, so tell me about a memorable moment when you learned something while having fun.)

Monday, December 9, 2019